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BaseFilterSet is a class that modifies a database query by adding where clauses to it based on specified filters. To use it, create an instance of BaseFilterSet class and define filters. To apply the filtering to a query, pass the query to the filter method of the BaseFilterSet instance.


    participant User
    participant App
    participant Database
    User->>App: Send request with filter parameters
    App->>App: Retrieve User Filter Parameters.<br> Apply Parameters to FilterSet and Construct Query
    App->>Database: Execute Query
    Database-->>App: Send Results
    App-->>User: Display Results

Example FilterSet:

from sqlalchemy_filterset import (

class ProductFilterSet(BaseFilterSet):
    id = Filter(
    ids = InFilter(
    title = Filter(Product.title)
    price = RangeFilter(Product.price)
    category = InFilter(Product.category)
    is_active = BooleanFilter(Product.is_active)

Filter schema

Filter schema is a dictionary that defines the parameters for filtering a database query using a BaseFilterSet. It has the format of {filter_name: value}, where filter_name is the name of the field in the BaseFilterSet and value is the value to use for filtering. However, different filters may have different formats (see the filters description).

Using pydantic to define the filter schema is a convenient way to ensure the proper format and validation of the filter parameters.

For example, to filter the ProductFilterSet by active products, a minimum price of 1000, a maximum price of 5000, use the following filter_schema:

filter_params = {"price": (1000, 5000), "is_active": True}
from pydantic import BaseModel

class ProductFilterSchema(BaseModel):
    id: int | None
    ids: set[int] | None
    title: str | None
    price: tuple[Price | None, Price | None] | None
    category: set[ProductCategory] | None
    is_active: bool | None

filter_schema = ProductFilterSchema(price=(1000, 5000), is_active=True)
filter_params = filter_schema.dict(exclude_unset=True)

Note: Using exclude_unset=True

  • When the exclude_unset=True parameter is used in the dict() method, fields that were not explicitly set when creating the model are excluded from the returned dictionary. This is useful in this example because it means that only the attributes that have been set in the filter_schema object are included in the filter_params dictionary. In this case, the filter_schema object only has three attributes set: price, is_active, and category, so when exclude_unset=True, only these three attributes are included in the filter_params dictionary, and the other attributes with None value (id, ids, title) are excluded. This way, the query only filters by the passed parameters, and the None parameters will not affect it.


To apply filtering, you can pass filter_params to the filter method of the ProductFilterSet.

For example:

from sqlalchemy import select

query = select(Product)
filter_set = ProductFilterSet(query)
query = filter_set.filter_query(filter_params)
The resulting sql:
select *
  from product
 where price >= 100
   and price <= 500
   and is_active is true;


The count function of FilterSet is used to count the number of records in a database that match a set of filters. The result will be an integer representing the count of the number of matching records.

For example:

from sqlalchemy import select

query = select(Product)
filter_set = ProductFilterSet(query)
query = filter_set.count_query(filter_params)
The resulting sql:
select count(1)
  from product
 where price >= 100
   and price <= 500
   and is_active is true;


There are two classes: FilterSet and AsyncFilterSet. They inherited from BaseFilterSet and have two additional methods filter and count. These methods work with the same query and session, so we can consistently call both methods tougether.

Example - get top 10 paginated rows and total count of rows:

class ProductFilterSchema(BaseModel):
    id: int | None
    pagination: tuple[Price | None, Price | None] | None

class ProductFilterSet(AsyncFilterSet):
    id = Filter(
    pagination = LimitOffsetFilter()

query = select(Product)
filter_params = ProductFilterSchema(pagination=(10, 0)).dict(exclude_unset=True)
filter_set = ProductFilterSet(session, query)  # we pass session here
result = await filter_set.filter(filter_params)
count = await filter_set.count(filter_params)